Monday, September 15, 2008

First Day of School and House Painnting!

Below: Alex and "Mom" riding to school. Alex thinks it is so cool to ride to school with his backpack on! He has a "perma" grin on his face when he rides 5 blocks to school. He even has his own lock and key for his bike!

Below: Alex posing in front of his School "Ecole Lloyd George". Yesterday he was so excited about it being Monday today, so he could go to school. He loves learning French!
Below: Alex and his Kindergarten teacher Mme Viaud! She is a super teacher!

Below: Alex's new blue room! It turned out perfect! I can't wait to start moving in; however, my painting is going very slow. I am starting the main bathroom today, should be fun!

Below: The kitchen is done! I love it! The color and the tiles, it looks great! I just have to put some blinds up, so the neighbours don't get too freaked out when seeing me in the morning! Need some privacy!

I will show before and after pictures of the bathroom when done. I just got some decorating/painting advice from a woman. So I am attempting to try some risky decorating/painting with our bathroom......I hope it looks good. It may take a couple of days but I am giving it a try! Wish me luck!
Off for my run with the boys. I hope we don't run into any bears......yesterday I came face to face with Mumma Bear! Her "3" cubs were right behind her! That was a fast km I ran: my Nike Sports Band clocked a fast one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see a dishwasher in that kitchen - sweet!

House looks nice!