Sunday, November 26, 2006

Lots of SNOW.....

First Blizzard of the year. It is -20 and with the wind chill it is -30 or colder as the wind has been blowing steady at 50-60km/hr. We went outside and shovelled the driveway: Greg got frostbite on his nose(he is doing fine). Alex had "rosey" cheeks for a couple hours after being outside. Trinket couldn't stay outside longer than 5 minutes without having her paws freeze. A big change from last weeks' balmy dry weather where it was warmer than the lower mainland. I guess winter has arrived!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Kamloops Santa Claus Parade

Today we went to the Santa Claus parade. It was worth the cold(-15 with the wind chill) wait to see Santa: he even looked at me and waved! Vanessa and Mikayla came with us too! Can't wait till Christmas!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Cousin Colton over for a play!

Colton and Alex hanging out and playing hard!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Snowing in The Loops!

First snowfall of the Year! The boys had to go to work and shovel the driveway and some playing too! Halloween just past and Christmas is around the corner.

Halloween at Little Ducklings Daycare

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween in Kamloops

Alex had an absolute blast on Halloween. He went to an all-day Halloween event at "Little Ducklings Daycare", then he went Trick or Treating with Vanessa, Mikalya and Mommmy. Dad stayed at home to hand-out the treats. What fun and too much candy!